1 June 2011

like everyone on blogger, having probs

yep me too, been reading everyones blogs, tried to post comments on mine to no avail. when i try to leave messages on others have to be anon, that wont do!!! will wait till the cyberstorm has passed.

have purchased a new laptop, at last.

two weeks today im taking a little jaunt. oh dear hope im fit enough.


Achelois said...

Its odd isnt it. I posted about it a little while back and my problems disappeared soon after. Perhaps putting it in the title of a post makes it go away. I hope it does for you. I bet now I have said that I am jinxed and the whole thing starts again. I do hope not.

Its odd that the whole thing seems to have coiincided with the whole twitter thing on people being potentially sued and me and my mind with conspiracy theories and my imagination running wild wonder whether its bloggers way of avoiding potential litigation problems for their loyal users and they are just protecting us and its only people who use their own names or something similar on their blogs as I don't and the problems have gone away. Then I realised you don't em! So its just my imagination and probably too much pain relief at work, due to something mind blowingingly painful going on in my shoulder at the front of it going across my chest. Which is not a dislocation or sublux and is probably only a torn tendon or something now I have calmed myself and decided I am not having a heart attack!

Well you won't have been worrying about commenting on my blog em because I keep starting a post then there it stays in a draft. Perhaps I should just try a sentence a week or something to get me going!
Well now I have gone on enough, here I go, will see if I have jinxed myself and come up as an annonymous commenter! If I do I bet you can guess who I am. We could start a new game called guess who I am... perhaps not. See I told you pain and pain medication have sent me.

Anyway em, I had a final last thought and I am sure you have done this already. But do you always stay logged into your blogger account? I sorted mine out by completely logging out, restarting the laptop, then logging in again. I am sure it was just coiicidence (which I absolutely cannot spell) but it seemed to work.

OK here goes - attempting to comment.
By the way its Achelois just in case I am anon. Although I am absolutely sure you would have guessed that in the first few words lol.
Hope life is as good as it can be. Take care em.

Anonymous said...

Hi Em,

Yeah its a pain in the backside. I seem to spend too much time nowadays trying to fix problems with computers- if its not my laptop its the kids' PC. I've changed browser to Google Chrome and had no problems with Blogger since. Internet Explorer is just an annoyance for me now so I've stopped using it.

em said...

hi achelois

the problem maybe resolved, not sure yet. my name is emma, so maybe the theory is working for me!

heads really not with it lately. short childish sentences, feel a bit silly when i say things like, 'thats nice', because i cant think of any other words! never mind hey. hope you and your daughter are as well as can be. x

em said...

hi nechtan

thanks for the information, i was going to say i will remember that, but i probably wont!!! however thanks for leaving the message becasue its always there to come back to if things continue to go wrong on blogger. fingers crossed the problems have resolved. x