30 November 2011

now my backs gone.

to top it all off, my back has decided to go, along with my ankle, and wrist.  nice.


coffeecup said...

Gone? What does this mean? It sounds terrible Em!

The other thing that's gone is your lovely blog background. Didn't you have a nice rural scene. It cheered me up when I visited here. Hope it's not a reflection of how your feeling Miss?

x :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Em,

Reads like you are not having a good time at the moment. Back pain is terrible. I hope things pick up. Sometimes it seems everything comes at once. Hope you getter soon.

Take care,


em said...

hey cc

my back has decided to ache. feels like ive lifted something heavy. ive put up with this since i was 15, funny sight. me hunched over like mrs overall, ah julie waters.

i like to tinker around with things steph. xxx

em said...

hey nechtan

thanks, after around five days the back eases off, just have to sit it out.

im hoping your lurgy!!! will pass too soon. its not nice because you can feel so lethargic with these things. take extra care, and wrap up warm when you get out. x

Shelly said...

I'm so sorry EM. Hope it passes soon.

em said...

aw thanks shelly. hope your doing well. x