29 June 2012

im off.....

touch wood.

monday morning sees the start of my three week inpatient course at the RNOH stanmore.  home at weekends.  im packing, slowly.  sunday night i make my way up, staying in a local hotel. 

will post if im up to it at the weekend. 

fingers crossed peeps. x


Michelle Roger said...

Good luck Em. Will definietly keep all my fingers crossed for you xx

The Foggy Knitter said...

Good luck and all the best wishes in the world xxx

Unknown said...

Good luck Em!!! Hope it goes well and helps you :) Write again when you can! Sending lots of love and hugs xxx

em said...

thanks michelle, all went surprisingly well. happy 3rd blogger. x

em said...

hey foggy

thank you so much, least the sun is out today, enjoy it while it lasts. stanmore went fine. x

em said...

hey steph

thanks, stanmore is a top place for us eds peeps. take care with your finger problems. keep us updated. x