14 May 2013

bit of making-do-and-mending

my bedside table were originally champagne boxes.  I had then for around 17 years, so when I had my room decorated they were given a white wash.  they are actually a really neat idea.  slim, so I don't bash into them when I get out of bed.  keeps some of books in order. 
the bedroom was covered in pink blooms, all around the room reminding me of something of 'the yellow wallpaper'.  I was happy to be in the room when newly out of hospital because the room is situated nearest to the bathroom.  even now when I stumble out of bed at night for the loo, I only have a few paces to go. 
now the bedroom is peaceful.  potters clay on the walls, easy on the senses. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post. thanks for the shared with us. Hot Washed Pet Flakes