19 March 2009

you know when its not you week, or year. i feel like im in that state alot of the time. i know the symptoms are not helping. constantly feeling under the weather. new symptoms scaring the life out of you. whens it going to stop.

then i hear on the news about natasha richardson, dead. so quick and random. know thoughts last week that this would be her last week. this kind of thing jolts me, to put things into perspective. or they normally would.

what would make things right? wellness. or would it? i would still be anxious.

what i normally do in these situations is think of someone else. so yesterday, i made a few cards. not my natural talent. i was given a bag of card making stuff to make for a charity. ive made a few for people i know, who are having a tough time too.

i have no idea, what to do. being unable to accomplish anything is frustrating and confusing.

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